Monday 7 May 2018

Monday 7 May

Happy Monday Room 6 :)

In case you missed the blog post on Friday (which for some reason didn't want to go public!  Blogger just froze on me!), we have moved into our new 'home' over at 

Have a look as there are some things there I would like you to think about.

See you after Interval!

:)Mrs W

Friday 4 May 2018

Friday 4 May

Hey there Room 6!

Thanks for a Fantastic first week!


Our class website can now be accessed over at This blog will still be here, but we won't be adding to it :)

Have a great weekend!

:)Mrs W

Thursday 3 May 2018

Get your Dance on!!!!

This should get you in the mood ;)

:)Mrs W

Thursday 3 May

Guess what Room 6? 

Tomorrow is International Star Wars Day!  (tell me why when I get to school! 😀)

Don't forget that Mrs B will be taking you down to Princes Court this morning; I will meet you there and go back to school with you.  The 5 people are (unless Mrs B tells you something different) the first 4 on the roll AND Ionnie.  I'm really looking forward to this!

Meanwhile... back in the classroom....

Great work yesterday!  Remember, with your research, to be specific with your searches, and reword your questions if need be.

We'll do the same thing with Devotions as we did yesterday; look up the verses first thing, then we'll discuss it before lunch!

See you around 11am!

😊Mrs W

PS  Just a thought... Remember who you're representing!  Will your actions and words show that you have been made righteous and justified through faith?

PPS I will change the blog over to our new website over the weekend (maybe even on Friday).  The new address is:  I haven't published it yet, so you won't be able to get to it through the link just yet!  Try on Monday morning!

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Wednesday 2 May

Hey there Room 6 😊

I thought that I would give you the verses to look up for Devotions and then we can read the page together before lunch.
So, look up:

  •    Romans 1:17
  •    Romans 5:1
  •    James 2:24,26

You are making great progress on your investigations.  I am really impressed.

Don't forget that your Reading Response is due in 4 weeks - I know it sounds like a long time but it will be here before we know it. If you haven't got a book yet or are having trouble picking one out, let me know and as I have some books at home that I can bring for you.

Have fun in Maths and Science, see you after interval!

😊Mrs W

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Tuesday 1 May

Good morning R6!

Wow!  I am so impressed with what you did yesterday - your presentations are going to be amazing! As well as that, you all showed me that you have a really good work ethic.  This term is definitely going to be fantastic :)

Here are a couple of links for you to have a look at for presentation options other than Power Point.  (wait until CBL though please!  You are supposed to be reading devotions!)

One is an Infographics Maker, and the other is like Power Point but it has the options of recording you speaking or a video, as well as adding music... although when I had a go I couldn't get the music to stop, so if I am twitching slightly when I come in today that is why!  If you decide to use either of these, you will need to create a log in, but they are free to use.  You can see an example of each on the CBL page

Don't forget - you have the option of  doing your best dancing and making the most of the 'dance floor', or doing the worst dance ever... it's the same 'dance floor' for everyone, how you choose to use it is up to you!

See you after Interval!

:)Mrs W

P.S. I am adding Mr Kuipers and Mrs B to be contributors on the blog, so we can stay in the loop of who is doing what!

Monday 30 April 2018

Welcome to Term 2

Hey there Room 6!

I am really excited to be able to teach you this term, I think we will have a great term.

Hopefully I will be in first thing anyway, to say hi, but just in case I can't do that, here are a few things:

Today we have an assembly at 10:30, in R6, so I think you will need to go straight to Mrs B in the maths room, and then we will put the desks out afterwards - Mr Hill has made a new seating plan so have a good look at it please and set the desks out as the diagram shows.

We will be starting a new novel study as well, it's a really good book and it has a movie to go with it which we will watch at the end of the novel study.

Check back tomorrow for a new devotion, and some important dates to note down for assignments.

Last, but not least, Happy Birthday to You, GUY!!!  Have a fantastic day!

I am looking forward to working with you all this term!

:) Mrs W

p.s. if you need to let me know or ask me anything about school and assignments, email me at :)