Monday 30 April 2018

Welcome to Term 2

Hey there Room 6!

I am really excited to be able to teach you this term, I think we will have a great term.

Hopefully I will be in first thing anyway, to say hi, but just in case I can't do that, here are a few things:

Today we have an assembly at 10:30, in R6, so I think you will need to go straight to Mrs B in the maths room, and then we will put the desks out afterwards - Mr Hill has made a new seating plan so have a good look at it please and set the desks out as the diagram shows.

We will be starting a new novel study as well, it's a really good book and it has a movie to go with it which we will watch at the end of the novel study.

Check back tomorrow for a new devotion, and some important dates to note down for assignments.

Last, but not least, Happy Birthday to You, GUY!!!  Have a fantastic day!

I am looking forward to working with you all this term!

:) Mrs W

p.s. if you need to let me know or ask me anything about school and assignments, email me at :)

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