Tuesday 1 May 2018

Tuesday 1 May

Good morning R6!

Wow!  I am so impressed with what you did yesterday - your presentations are going to be amazing! As well as that, you all showed me that you have a really good work ethic.  This term is definitely going to be fantastic :)

Here are a couple of links for you to have a look at for presentation options other than Power Point.  (wait until CBL though please!  You are supposed to be reading devotions!)

One is an Infographics Maker, and the other is like Power Point but it has the options of recording you speaking or a video, as well as adding music... although when I had a go I couldn't get the music to stop, so if I am twitching slightly when I come in today that is why!  If you decide to use either of these, you will need to create a log in, but they are free to use.  You can see an example of each on the CBL page

Don't forget - you have the option of  doing your best dancing and making the most of the 'dance floor', or doing the worst dance ever... it's the same 'dance floor' for everyone, how you choose to use it is up to you!

See you after Interval!

:)Mrs W

P.S. I am adding Mr Kuipers and Mrs B to be contributors on the blog, so we can stay in the loop of who is doing what!

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