Thursday 3 May 2018

Thursday 3 May

Guess what Room 6? 

Tomorrow is International Star Wars Day!  (tell me why when I get to school! 😀)

Don't forget that Mrs B will be taking you down to Princes Court this morning; I will meet you there and go back to school with you.  The 5 people are (unless Mrs B tells you something different) the first 4 on the roll AND Ionnie.  I'm really looking forward to this!

Meanwhile... back in the classroom....

Great work yesterday!  Remember, with your research, to be specific with your searches, and reword your questions if need be.

We'll do the same thing with Devotions as we did yesterday; look up the verses first thing, then we'll discuss it before lunch!

See you around 11am!

😊Mrs W

PS  Just a thought... Remember who you're representing!  Will your actions and words show that you have been made righteous and justified through faith?

PPS I will change the blog over to our new website over the weekend (maybe even on Friday).  The new address is:  I haven't published it yet, so you won't be able to get to it through the link just yet!  Try on Monday morning!

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